Welcome to SSIE 541/441 Applied Soft Computing#
``Don’t think! Feeeeeel’’ is a famous quote by Bruce Lee in the movie Enter the Dragon, and this is my guiding philosophy of learning.
This course is designed to help you feel the concepts and tools of applied soft computing through pen-and-paper exercises and hands-on coding.
Module |
Exercise |
Jupyter Notebook |
M01 |
M02 |
- Simple RNN |
- PyTorch |
M03 |
Word and Document Embeddings
- Module 1: Word Embedding
- Pen and Paper Exercise
- Teaching computers how to understand words
- word2vec: a small model with a big idea
- GloVe and FastText: Building on Word2Vec’s Foundation
- Understanding SemAxis: Semantic Axes in Word Vector Spaces
- Bias in Word Embeddings
- Doc2Vec: From Words to Documents
- Summary
Recurrent Neural Networks
Teaching Machine How to Understand Images
- Module 3: Image Processing
- Pen and paper exercises
- Preliminaries: Image Processing
- From Traditional Image Processing to Learning
- LeNet and LeNet-5: Pioneering CNN Architectures
- AlexNet: A Breakthrough in Deep Learning
- VGGNet - A Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Image Recognition
- GoogleNet and the Inception Module
- ResNet (Residual Neural Networks)